Michelle Goodrick
Michelle Goodrick
Registered Nurse & Health Practitioner
With over 30 years of experience as a registered nurse and a Remedial Massage therapist my combined knowledge of the human body and insight into peoples health is huge benefit when it comes to assessing and treating clients. I thoroughly enjoy the career path I have chosen and feel both occupations go hand in hand to compliment each other.
As a health professional I believe it is important to continually develop knowledge and skills. As such I have completed additional training right up to practitioner and instructor level in the Emmett Technique for both humans and horse. I offer the Emmett Technique, Lymphatic Drainage, PEMF therapy & MSTR (McLoughlin Scar Release).
Being in the health industry I see a lot of illness and disease and therefore I have made it my mission to encourage people to take a stand and promote health and prevent illness in their body. Its too late once you are sick. Act now to prevent and keep up with your self care.
My combined knowledge of nursing, massage and horses lead me to become part of the support team for the Australian Paralympic Team for 4 years. I travelled to several countries treating riders, carers, coaches and their horses. It was an extremely busy job but I enjoyed every minute of it! I only wish I had of known about the Emmett Technique back then, the benefits of this technique would have helped me 10 fold in my ability to help many people in a short amount of time. Now as a qualified Emmett Practitioner for both humans and horses I love to be involved in helping both rider and horse achieve goals.